Marion County 2040 Plan

Building a Thriving County For All

What is a Comprehensive Plan?

A comprehensive plan is a document designed to guide the future actions of a community. It paints a clear vision of what the community aspires to be, typically over a 10-20 year horizon. This vision is supported by a framework of long-range goals that address various aspects of community life.

Land Use

Examining land use to guide the Marion County’s growth in a way that balances economic development, environmental protection, and resident needs. This helps create a thriving and sustainable place for the future


Transportation will be a key element in a comprehensive plan because it connects people and places, influencing how land is used, economic activity, and overall quality of life. Considering transportation in the planning process ensures a system that meets the community’s needs and supports its vision for the future.


Analyze housing to ensure sufficient and varied housing options exist for residents at different income levels. This promotes a balanced community and encourages people to live near jobs and amenities.

Economic Development

Economic development is a cornerstone of a comprehensive plan as a strong economy provides jobs, tax revenue, and a foundation for a thriving community. By considering economic goals alongside infrastructure and housing, the plan fosters a holistic approach to attracting businesses and residents.

Parks and recreation

Outdoor amenities contribute to a community’s health and well-being, attracting residents and businesses while providing leisure opportunities for all. Considering these elements alongside other development plans ensures a balanced approach that fosters a desirable place to live, work, and play.

Quality of Life

Prioritizes quality of life by considering factors that influence resident happiness and well-being. This includes access to amenities, safety, environmental quality, and opportunities for recreation, all of which contribute to a vibrant and attractive community.

Why is a comprehensive plan needed?

Iowa Code Chapter §414.3.1 – “The regulations shall be made in accordance with a comprehensive plan….” In order to have an effective zoning ordinance it must be based on a vision for the county and what it will look like in the future. A comprehensive plan assists in filling this need.

The Why’s

  • Planning is necessary to take the county from what it is to what is wants to be.
  • What is does the county want to look in 20 years? The comprehensive plan is the roadmap to that vision.
  • What are the counties priorities?

Planning Process

  • Stakeholder Kick-off Meeting
  • Attend Marion County public events
  • Community Input survey
  • Small Group Discussions
  • Data Collection
  • Scenario-Building

“I am thrilled about updating the Marion County Comprehensive Plan, which outlines a strategy to maintain the county’s high quality of life and introduce innovative ideas to propel the county forward.”

Kisha Jahner 

Marion County Supervisor

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